Pop's Story


This is a strange story, but everything that I can remember I will tell you about. 

There was a man who joined us in Spokane and was assigned to the Armor section. He was in his mid-40's and we called him Pop. His last name was Fucan (pronounced Few- can). He was a veteran of WWI and the only man in the outfit that I knew that wore a World War I victory medal, except for some of our officers. He was from the mountains and, being a mountain Man, trapped and hunted for a living. He also told me that he found a gold mine, but it would cost him too much to get a road built back to it. 

Pop was in the barracks with the armorers and he was pretty private as to his life before the service. 

While in Rapid City, they were reassigning the men that they thought were not able to hold up under the work loads assigned or were deemed as misfits for the 95th BG.
Pop was on the reassignment list for replacement due to his age. Dr Imes, the medical doctor for the 335th, had placed Pop on that list. Pop was heartbroken and tried to get off the reassignment list, but Doc felt he was too old for the rigors of the war. 

While at Rapid City and before the time reassigned was put into effect, the group had an opportunity to visit Mount Rushmore. Pop went along and when the bus got to the monument, Pop was off the bus and ran all the way up the steps to the top of the carvings. Most of the men took a rest about half way up, but not Pop. Dr Imes was impressed with Pop's stamina and he took him off of the list. Pop Fucan got to go to England with us. 

Art Watson - Armorer 335th BS